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Broad Approaches to Spiritual Transformation

Three broad approaches to spiritual transformation have developed. One approach is to create fellowship opportunities. Churches develop structured settings for members to build relationships wit...

Love Believes the Best in People

The Apostle Paul says, love is always hopeful. It believes the best in people. When it comes to your relationship, make it a point to focus on what you like about the other person and what would be...

Aspects of Transformation

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of spiritual growth? Some picture a solitary individual meditating or praying. While that concept accurately portrays one aspect of Christ...

Bread and Wine Symbolizes Jesus Himself

What does the Bread and Wind Symbolizes? "For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come." (1 Corinthians 11:26 KJV) Bread and Wine, in scrip...

Being God’s Stewards on Earth

People have a tendency to do whatever they please without looking into the effects of what their actions have on everyone else. The problem with that mentality is that they are not creating a world...

Biblical Teaching: God’s Promises to Us

God’s promises to us never fail. His words are fixed, true, and accurate. His promises are not bound for errors. When you decide to hold on to His promises, you let Him take over your life. He is...

Prayer Request