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Your Personal Prophecy

Honor and Respect Without Conditions

No matter how deep your love is for your parents, there will always come a time when your patience towards them will be tested. You honor and respect your parents for sure. You obey them and see to...

Obedience Requires Submission

When you obey your parents, you have to submit under their authority. Obedience requires submission. How can you sincerely obey your parents if you do not trust them and if you cannot fully submit ...

Saying sorry is important after recognition of one’s fault.

Recognition of One’s Fault

"Therefore, you Israelites, I will judge each of you according to your own ways, declares the Sovereign LORD. Repent! Turn away from all your offenses; then sin will not be your downfall: Ezekiel ...

Follow in His Footsteps

When a hunter looks for his catch, he goes and tracks them down using a variety of methods. One of the methods a hunter uses require animal tracks. Each animal has its own individual patterns and m...

Chunking Up and Chunking Down

Chunking up (moving from specific to general) is the process of bringing a given statement/s or idea into a higher level of abstraction. This is typically done to reframe the given statement or exp...

Love vs. Emotional Dependence

You must know the difference between love and emotional dependence. The failure to distinguish the two will result in significant troubles in your relationship. Do you know that social anthropologi...

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