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October 10, 2018
“Therefore, you Israelites, I will judge each of you according to your own ways, declares the Sovereign LORD. Repent! Turn away from all your offenses; then sin will not be your downfall: Ezekiel 18:30
The Israelites turned their backs on God by not trusting Him during their battle against the Canaanites. They disobeyed God and did not depend on His great help. They sought help from others that resulted to their defeat. They could have just asked for forgiveness but they continuously turned their backs on God.
Just like the Israelites, sometimes we have an attitude to deny our mistakes. Instead of asking for forgiveness, we are hard headed and continue the things that we do, when in fact, God is just waiting for us to ask for forgiveness. He is always ready to forgive us of our sins.
When we recognize our mistakes, we must make a move to say sorry to the person that we’ve hurt. After saying sorry, we must make a move to make things right. Saying sorry is not enough. When we make an effort to make things right, that is the true meaning of being sorry.
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