Get your free written prophecy, Answers are on the way

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After You Read This, Respond to Get Your Free Prophecy

“The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.” (Deuteronomy 29:29)

I have a free prophecy just for you, for your eyes only, a prophetic word that the Lord has spoken to me about your life personally. This is a not a general word, but a prophetic word for your life.

Have you ever felt like you were at peace with a prophetic word you received? Before you receive a prophetic word, God has most likely prepared you for it. The prophetic word should confirm what you feel in your heart. I know that God has been speaking to you, and I know for sure He has promised you some things that you have yet to see come to pass in your life.  As the Master Prophet, I come to tell you, DO NOT lose faith.  God is working on your behalf right now!

– Are you ready to step into the promises of God for your life?
– Are you ready to see the blessings of the Lord revealed in your world?
– Are you ready to hear this word that God has for you and then understand how to see the fullness of the word blossom in your life?

Your faith is a great contributing factor to your readiness to receive this powerful word that God has given me just for you. You have to arm yourself with the grace and power of God for you to be ready for His abundant blessings. God is at work in your life. He has great plans for you. The question is, are you ready?

There is more to this prophetic word that God wants you to hear and act on in this season. I am going to ask you to respond by getting your free personal prophecy, so that I can put you in position to hear the rest of what God is saying to you. Don’t let drama, trauma, fear, disappointment or lack stop you from following the instructions that God has sent through His prophet to you today.  Now, here are your instructions…

First, I want you to read Deuteronomy 29:29, out loud, three times.

Second, I want you to immediately respond and get your free prophecy, so that I can get you your free written word of prophecy.

Finding The Power of Prophecy

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