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Jesus Conquered the Grave

anointed believer

So what was the resurrection of Jesus all about? This was the critical part of God’s plan of rescuing His people. In order for the mission to be successful, Jesus needed to conquer the grave. This means that Jesus had to face death and victoriously go back to life.

No man can do this because everyone was faulted with sin. But Jesus was perfect. Although he was 100% human in form and detail, his divine nature made him pure and holy. Unlike man who has the sinful nature, Jesus was sinless. This was the reason why he can confidently face the grave. Aside from him trusting the will of God the Father, Jesus’ perfectness was the assurance that he will come back alive from death. The resurrection of Jesus was the ultimate evidence that forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life are available for everyone who will come through him to avail them. The Bible says, “Unless Christ was raised to life, your faith is useless, and you are still living in your sins.”

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