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Transformation in the Book of Genesis

2When God created the world

I started the 10 Commandment series with the book of the bible call  “Transformation in the Book of Genesis”.

Transformation in the book of Genesis deals with how God gives us language to create. The book of Genesis gives us the world of creation.

The first couple of verses in the Bible are powerful material to reveal transformation concepts that we can apply in our daily lives. The book opened up how the beginning of everything, the Creator of everything is God. There’s a need to acknowledge this in everything we know and do. At the end of the day, in the beginning and in the end, it’s really God who is the Ultimate Creator and Source.

In the beginning and in the end, it’s really God who is the Ultimate Creator and Source.

            The second verse proceeds to depict the requirement for creation. The Bible said, “Now the earth was formless and empty”. If we review the wording, we’ll see that it “was” without form and void. It did not become without form and void, it was already that way. Creation began with a being of nothingness. This is the true nature of everything.

Creation began with a being of nothingness. This is the true nature of everything.

If you imagine an empty space, like an empty lot, do you see it as a picture of hope or a picture of hopelessness? The entirety of the creation started like an empty lot. There was a void. This was not a dire picture. Instead, it was a picture of possibility. It was a picture of the endless possibilities God could create out of this nothingness.

If you talk about being true to your true nature, your true nature is that of the being of nothingness. A being that can become anything at anytime.

If you talk about being true to your true nature, your true nature is that of the being of nothingness. A being that can become anything at anytime. You can set the context of who you want to be. There are no limitations.

Through this void, we were created.  The picture this shows us is this — we cannot create when there is no void. We cannot create when there is already something there. There is a need to empty yourself out for you to generate the transformation you want to occur. Because if something is already there, then it’s not creation. It’s only a revision or a mere improvement of something. The Bible did not say we’re merely a revision of the current state of the universe, we are a creation.

In the third verse, we see another powerful principle of transformation: “And God said…”If God was so powerful, He could have just thought about what He’ll create and made it appear with a flick of his finger. But He uttered it out. When God said, let there be light, there was light.

God spoke out His commands and what was created? The water separated from the land. The day was separated from the night. The creatures of the earth were created. Man was also created. All of these were done through language. It’s a picture of what we need to do to create. We need to make use of the power of language.

Creation Requires Being in a State of Nothingness and the Power of Language

When you start from a clean slate, you can open up your life to different possibilities. You need to come from a state of nothingness, because this is your true nature. When you are able to let go of all the assumptions, the labels, the fears, and every other thing that’s shaping your life right now, you can truly create for yourself the life you want. From the empty space you create for your life, speak out the desired future you want to create. Let it be done according to what you’ve declared.

Read more, Click Here get the book Transformation in the Book of Genesis



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