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Your Word of Prophecy Is Your Writing In The Ground!

In John 8, there was a woman accused of adultery. Her accusers wanted Jesus to condemn her to death. However, Jesus ignored their request and instead found himself writing in the ground, not once, but twice! 


He was writing a new future into being for the woman accused of adultery! Maybe this is why Jesus told her to go and sin no more! WOW and WOW!


YOU’RE IN DIRE NEED OF A NEW EXPERIENCE! The bottom line is you must be aware of some very exciting things concerning the next 30 days of your life because the Lord is writing you into a new experience besides the one you know! Hallelujah! Thank You, Jesus!


The Lord says,


“This is your season to experience the writing of My POWER! It’s time for you to experience OVERFLOW! It’s time for you to witness this event in 30 days or LESS! It’s time for you to witness My handwriting of your GREATER FUTURE and testify of My glory!”


There are blessings, there are great blessings, and then there are ridiculous blessings that are interventions! In the face of death, the adulteress was spared because of the intervention of Jesus! The Lord says that if you would only allow the intervention of faith on today in the next 30 minutes, you’re going to see a RIDICULOUS BLESSING in the next 30 days!


In the mighty name of Jesus, your GREATER FUTURE is written on the ground of your life in 30 days or less! There is FINANCIAL FAVOR showing up through a family resource! God is about to give you a sign of the RIDICULOUS BLESSING that’s about to show up! In 30 minutes, the WRITING of your blessings shall be made clear on the ground of your life!


There is a PROPHETIC INTERVENTION that is going to take place regarding your health. With all the stress and responsibilities you endure, it appears the enemy is attempting to place an unhealthy weight of wear and tear upon you in such a way that it will affect your body. The Lord says, “I AM canceling infirmity, and I AM now writing Divine healing and restoration into your experience!”


Rejoice in the Lord wherever you are right now! God says, your obedience is making you whole today! 

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