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Surge of Modern False Prophets

God who is outside of time can see the end from the beginning. Only those prophets who truly hear from God can tell us the future. When destruction was prophesied by the prophets of God in ancient Israel, the lying false prophets were also there telling everyone a more ear pleasing story.

Today, like in ancient Israel, there is a surge of modern lying false prophets who contradict God and tell people delusions of their own mind or what they heard from demons. The problem demons have is that they are stuck in time like every other created being. Satan can only guess the future, try to influence it (if God allows), or read the prophetic scriptures and repeat what God has already written. Satan’s lying false prophets are almost always wrong unless God (for his own purpose) has used them to deceive those who wish to believe lies.

The test of a true prophet of God was they had to be 100 percent correct at the cost of their lives. If those tests were enforced, there would be no living prophets alive on earth today.

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