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Praise God, for Your Life Hasn’t Faltered

praise God

There may have been very volatile moments in your life that have caused you to be afraid of your future. Certain situations may have drained you emotionally and even physically to the point that you have a hard time getting up. In fact, some of these situations still weigh you down as they continue to remain heavy on your mind. Yet, amidst all this, your life hasn’t faltered.


Despite all of the afflictions you’ve faced these past few months, God hasn’t allowed your life to falter, because you’re still here and there is still a future that awaits you. 


The Bible says in Psalms 91:7, “A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you.” This the promise of God’s protection over His faithful children. His word rebukes the attack of the enemy over your life. 


It isn’t you who made today’s headline as a victim of COVID-19…

It isn’t you who is leaving behind a loved one because of death…

It isn’t you who is one of the tens of thousands destroyed in this pandemic…


Praise God, for your life has not faltered in the midst of troubles!

Do you know what sets you apart from the rest? YOU are the one who can still sing with sweet conviction:


“What a friend we have in Jesus.

All our sins and griefs to bear.

And what a privilege to carry

Everything to God in prayer!”


You and I have a friend in Jesus, our Lord and Savior, who will not allow our lives to falter. The truth is, if you worry too much about what might be, or what might have been, you will ignore and overlook what is. And ‘what is’ right now, is God covering your life with His divine protection. Give praise and lift everything to God in prayer and thanksgiving.  


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