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NO Shrinking! NO Lack!

There is no lack!

NO shrinking, NO lack! Just enlargement and multiplication! God is working; but only those with mountain-moving faith will be able to experience the fullness of this phenomenon. The blessing of  abundance is ready to work in all areas of our lives – MONEY, HEALTH, CAREER, HAPPINESS, RELATIONSHIPS. This is an opportune day to BELIEVE GOD’S PROPHET!

There is no reason for anyone to experience shortage!

We must decide for ourselves the level of financial freedom we are willing to experience. When we show up and speak our truth, the environment becomes conducive for money to be invented. We must, however, have the faith that will move the mountains of doubt, limitation, lack and shortage. We have to clear the space so that our thoughts and words can generate the abundance that God has for us!

Our faith in operation demonstrates how we feel and think about money. This will teach us how to fight the good fight of faith. The enemy loves when we run around in circles aimlessly. Make sure that you are building your faith by the acts that you do. According to our faith, shall it be done unto us!

This is not just increasing our knowledge about wealth; it is also about building our self-image to motivate us beyond our naysayers, who doubt our ability to create wealth. The Holy Spirit revealed to me that when our self-image is intact, we attract all the GOOD that is around us.

Now we can see why the enemy is intimidated. Nothing happens outside of us. Our personal prophet needs us to start seeing ourselves filled with the riches that can only be received by the power of God.

Declare, “NO LACK!”

It is a big challenge to go within and get rid of the paradigm that is blocking the flow of our money, but we can do it! It is our responsibility to realize it can be done. The Holy Spirit is erasing every negative label that has been placed on us. Start using your faith to produce a phenomenon that can only occur by spending time in His Presence.

The Presence of the Lord will reveal to us that there is no lack in the universe. The cycle of feeling lifeless, slow-moving, neglectful and unenergetic is being interrupted. We can’t tell how important it is to give ourselves permission to walk in financial freedom and security. While the enemy wants us to focus on the problem, the Holy Spirit wants us to respond to the voice of the prophet.

Declare again, “NO LACK!”

Even though we may have started out taking baby steps, we will not be limited. I see the Holy Spirit removing those in our circle who are determined to have the poverty conversation. We need to take a faith walk that will bring miracle money into our experiences, but it’s according to our faith. Let’s get ourselves ready for the next level of elevation!

Always remember that we have a prophet in our lives sent by God. All it takes is one word and everything about your life changes.

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