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There Is No Inferiority About God’s Creation That Is You!

There is no inferiority or depravity about God’s creation, and that includes you!


In the Bible, it states:


“I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”

(Psalm 139:14)


The only feelings of inferiority in you is what you put into ourselves. What God made is perfect! Thank You, Jesus!


You often experience a small life because you think yourself into smallness, into inferiority by thinking downward. You ought to think upward where superiority dwells because we are fearfully and wonderfully made, according to God’s word. 


The Lord says that during this Psalm 92 Miracle season, it’s time you start giving your ideas and dreams a chance. In fact, in life, it’s rarely about getting a chance; it’s about taking a chance. God says you’ll never be 100% sure it will work, yet you can always be 100% sure doing nothing won’t work! 


It is your season to go for it because there is a spiritual DNA that resides in you as a child of God and no matter how it turns out, it always ends up just the way it should be.  Either you succeed, or you learn something. It’s a Win-Win.


There’s an incredible idea God placed inside you, and your faith is going to be the key that unlocks it into being! Hallelujah! The truth is that the man God made never fell. It is only the sin-made man that has fallen. It is man’s inferior way of looking at himself and the self-depreciation that cripples and deteriorates him!


The Lord says He has made you strong, bold, dignified, prosperous and healthy in this season and every season of your life! The Lord says the trouble with you is there are times when you don’t keep your good qualities sufficiently in eyesight. There are even times when you don’t think half well enough of yourself.


God says that He is breaking the chains of inferiority that the enemy has used to put you down! Oh, glory, hallelujah! The negative words you had to hear spoken about you; God is now erasing. Those negative feelings that you’ve often held about yourself, God is now depleting, because God is restoring you to your God-self! You’re about to witness a prophetic rebirth during this Psalm 92 Miracle season because inferiority can never be the DNA of a true child of God.

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