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A Maximum Momentum Shift Is About To Occur In Your Life

Your accusers want you to minimize your momentum by remaining in the dark concerning the greatness that God has placed on the inside of you! 


In Matthew 6:22-24 from the New Living Translation, it reads, 


“Your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your body.

When your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light.

But when your eye is unhealthy, your whole body is filled with darkness.

And if the light you think you have is actually darkness,

how deep that darkness is!”



Webster’s dictionary defines “momentum” as the strength or force gained by motion or by a series of events! This applies to ALL MOTION and series of events! 


Right now, you are the SUM TOTAL of whatever momentum it is you’ve been motioning into your mind’s eye! WOW and WOW!


The truth is you are always in the space of momentum because you’re either moving in an upward direction or a downward spiral! Hallelujah! Thank You, Jesus! In this momentous season, you’re standing in, it’s important that you realize your mind’s eye is either minimizing your momentum or MAXIMIZING it, depending on where you’re trying to go in life!



The Lord says in order to MAXIMIZE YOUR MOMENTUM in this season of your life, the light that you want to experience in your life must be lit by the renewing of your mind! 


In John chapter 8, we find Jesus causing a MAXIMUM MOMENTUM SHIFT for the adulteress the moment He gave the Pharisees a powerful proposition! While writing on the ground not once but twice, Jesus told her accusers, “Let him who is without sin, cast the first stone!”


Jesus then gave the adulteress the incredible opportunity to MAXIMIZE THE MOMENT by asking her, “Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?” When she answered no, Jesus redeemed her entire situation by telling her to go and sin no more!


The Lord says, “I am redeeming your entire situation so that you can MAXIMIZE YOUR MOMENTUM and it shall begin to occur as I renew your mind to be a healthy lamp that provides light for your healthy body!”


Lift your hands wherever you are right now and just begin to give God the glory and the honor that He deserves! Lord, You’re worthy to be praised!


Don’t make the horrific mistake of minimizing your momentum!

  • The Lord says, “Your seed is a major part of MAXIMIZING YOUR MOMENTUM because your seed says that you TRUST Me to do what I said I will do!”
  • The Lord also says, “The agents of discouragement are now being loosed from your life as you begin to step mightily into MAXIMIZING YOUR MOMENTUM!”



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