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Knowing Moses

From Prince of Egypt to Servant of God

Moses’s life was characterized by faith right from his birth. He was saved by the faith of his parents when they disobeyed Pharaoh by not having their son put to death. When Moses grew up, he refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. Moses turned away from riches and fame. He gave up pleasures and treasures because of his faith.

God had a plan for Moses’s life. God’s job description for him was a miracle worker, savior of his people, and deliverer. But Moses felt that it was beyond his capabilities. In a Jewish tradition, it was a speculated that God observed how Moses lovingly tended sheep for 40 years. According to this tradition, Moses the shepherd was exactly the servant He needed to take Israel out of slavery.

As a child, Moses struggled with his identity, because he was raised between two races. Moses may have stuttered, character flaws and limitations because of his old age. He was simply an imperfect human who was redeemed by God to rescue Israel from the Egyptians.

Create a Way of Being

Moses was a founder of a nation. He was a prophet living and experiencing God’s covenant. Faith is the best word to describe Moses. His way of being was tested through time. He refused to compromise. He led his people against impossible odds. He stood firm despite challenges and suffering. He showed faith, encouragement, commitment, and source of hope to his people.

Moses experienced negative and painful situations. He responded with positivity, obedience, and faith. He did not focus on the struggles that he encountered. He focused on the eternal reward of his faith in God. His actions, words, and thoughts showed his qualification why God called him to be his servant.

His “way of being” was dictated by his actions. His faith and obedience to God dictated his being. His actions dictated his nature. Moses is called “the deliverer”. His actions showed it when he allowed God to use him to take his people out of Egypt and lead them to the promise land.

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