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Get Your Prophetic Annulment To Divorce You from the Wrong Future

It is time to get your prophetic annulment to divorce you from the wrong future.


Let’s look at the story of Nabal who was a rich Calebite married to a wise woman named Abigail. Nabal was a surly and bad-tempered landowner who refused to help David when he needed provisions (1 Samuel 25).

Nabal’s wife, Abigail, went behind his back to help David, saving Nabal’s life in the process. She tells David to “pay no attention to that wicked man, Nabal. He is just like his name – his name is Fool.” Abigail does this in order to avert David’s wrath upon her and her husband. When she tells Nabal what she’s done, Nabal has a stroke and dies, and Abigail ultimately marries David (on his path to being king).


Think about the times you’ve intervened on behalf of people in your life who are taking you granted. Did you marry their situations anytime they would come to you with their issues? You’ve prayed for them, haven’t you? You’ve blessed them even when you needed the blessing more, didn’t you? You’ve even helped those who can be classified as FOOLS, correct?


The Lord says, “ENOUGH is ENOUGH!”


It’s time to file for divorce!


There are several “Nabals” (FOOLS) in your life who are becoming a surly (unpleasant) hindrance to your future matrimony with destiny! Truth be told, their FOLLY will only place you in danger of missing your day of visitation! Yet, the Lord says just like Abigail, you’re about to witness the sudden death of your hindrance because God says it’s time for you TO marry your abundant future!


The Bible declares…

“The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him.”

(Psalm 37:23)


You’re getting a divorce from your Nabal in 2019.


Get ready for these three things to happen in your life:

  • You’re divorcing a “Nabal” that’s fooling your finances!
  • An agreement shall be annulled with the “Nabal” of your health!
  • A generational curse is being broken with the “Nabal” of your legacy!

There’s going to be a sudden stoppage in conversations that render foolishness! The Lord says you’re also about to be rewarded openly in front of your enemies because of your loyalty to people! Hallelujah! Lift up your hands wherever you are right now because the Lord would even say that every negative network that stands against your fruitfulness is about to be completely broken, in Jesus’ Name!

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