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Your debts are going to be swiped clean

Express gratitude as early as now because God says your financial debts are about to be resolve this coming 2020. 


There are times when it feels like you are about to fall into temptations.  You might feel like you are spending beyond your capacity and aware that this habit has to stop. Or you may have experienced some kind of change in your circumstances and be struggling with debt.  Sometimes, you feel like you are not in control but you have to trust the Lord that it shall pass. 


The enemy would like to see you fall into temptation and drown you in debts.

The enemy knew that you easily tempted in debts. Do not worry, raise you hands and believe that God will take care in swiping your debts clean this 2020. 

What this means is that as you begin to access faith in your word of prophecy and take the appropriate faith action today, the Lord is going to begin to stretch forth His hand and you will begin to see debt being canceled unexplainably as you eliminate each and every belief that has kept you bound in the cycle of “not enough”!


Here’s why: 

The Lord says, “Debt cancellation also begins with negative thought cancellation.”

In other words, what you think is what you attract. If your thought is negative then you will also attract negative experiences. If debt, lack, and missed opportunity is all you can identify, then it’s time to change your impression! 

As early as now, you must begin to see the money that is only for you. 

But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is He that giveth thee power to get wealth.” (Deuteronomy 8:18) 

In Deuteronomy 8:18, remembering the Lord your God means relocating your true nature, which is the Great I AM in you! 

The message means must begin to have a goal for getting wealth and you must learn how to control yourself. Do not fall into temptation of debts and negative habits. 


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