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October 03, 2018
Christ’s Body and Blood is significant to us as Christians.
Now that it has been established that Bread and Wine symbolize Jesus’ body and blood –or plainly, Jesus himself, the meaning of partaking in Bread and Wine can be discussed. What does it mean to eat Jesus’ flesh and drink his blood? What does it mean to share in the body and blood of Christ?
In order to make sense of the meaning behind partaking in Christ’s body and blood, one must first understand the difference between the realm of the physical and spiritual. The spiritual realm is higher than the realm of the physical –that of the body and mind. In Isaiah 55: 8-9, it is written:
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the Lord. ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts”
Human beings, without God’s spirit, predominantly belong to the realm of the physical. Therefore, people cannot fully comprehend God’s ways. They cannot act in inspired and enlightened ways because they are limited by their human condition.
Moreover, human beings cannot enter into the Kingdom of heaven in their physical forms. This is because God’s Kingdom is one that is spiritual, belonging to a higher plain. It is only by elevating oneself to a spiritual level that passage into God’s Kingdom can be made possible.
Fortunately, God sent His people Jesus Christ, whose body and blood is spiritual food. When human beings partake in Christ’s body and blood, they are elevated to a higher plain. They are given spiritual understanding, which is born from no way other than Christ’s revelation.
That said, it is important that you accept the gift of Christ’s body and blood, and choose to partake in this gift. Without Jesus Christ, you would not be able to mature spiritually. You would not be able to elevate your spiritual understanding.
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