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October 15, 2018
The symbolic Bread and Wine is Jesus himself. Therefore, these symbolic meanings should not be reduced, or given alternative meanings. There are severe implications when misinterpreting the Bread and Wine.
Some Christians believe that the Bread and Wine are synonymous to the Holy Sacraments. They believe that symbolic practices are what Jesus referred to as the Bread and Wine. Because of this belief, they think that partaking in the Holy Sacraments is the same as partaking in Jesus Christ, which is not always true.
There are many Christians who have been baptized, who have received the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, and who regularly receive the Eucharist, yet have not truly partaken in Jesus Christ. They depend on the Sacraments to lead them to the Kingdom of Heaven. They do not understand that partaking in Jesus Christ means much more than receiving the Holy Sacraments.
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