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October 29, 2018
Life is a race, they say. But what is the finish line? Surely not death? There is a far bigger prize than the grave. Our Father promised us blessings in this life and more to come. There is no competition here, rather, we are a team that must stand united through one great cause and that is the gospel of Christ.
How do we help each other achieve the multitude of blessings we have been promised? There is a lot on our plate. The only thing we have to do is to be better and there is no one we should be better than, than the person we were yesterday. We only have ourselves to contend with and a brighter future ahead if we are able to defeat our lesser selves and improve.
There is so much cultivating to be done and it must start right away, for it is a process that takes time, decision making and a lot of change. How do you see yourself in the future? See the best version of you. Set the goal you’d set your sights on and then map out the road that leads to it. Stops like any other road stop do not mean the end of the journey, but merely a pause to reflect and relieve.
The goal itself is not the end of the journey as well. When we reach our goal, we make new ones. It doesn’t have to be just one. We can be working on many goals at the same time, but whatever we are working on must be centered on one great goal that we have for ourselves.
God helps us with our goals. He wants us to be the very best version of ourselves. He knows each and everyone of us. Our strengths and weaknesses. Whatever trials He gives us, He knows that we can handle it. Therefore do not lose hope.
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